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Simbaarley interview in london before migrating to Canada, pushing musical career further
Trini based artist OHXONE talks soca family his journey and new music coming on soca
DJ MATCHIZ the Fire Kid Dj/Selector, Events organiser and more
MS DESIRE SOCA ODYSSEY - New Music coming | Preparing for Carnival | Infinite Mas
Isha Bel talks musical journey the state of the industry
Dj Banka Fly so far to play half hour, talks unprotected sex and the ego selectors
Guinney Pepper Lick the chalice singer tours Uk with calipo
Ricky Uk Met Gala CEO, December 17 2023, Hosted by 4Eva Sasha elegance and class dinner and party
Bucky Jo Uk based Artist, Producer and Studio operator worked with Luciano, Gyption, Tippa Ire
Suits and Dresses november 2023 _-454